Hedge Fund Custodian

Hedge Fund Custodian

Hedge Fund Custodian Hedge Fund Custodian   Here at Charter Group, we are fully versed in client’s requirements for custody solutions and have a strong network of custodians who can assist boutique funds looking for cost-effective custodial solutions. Contact us to find out more.   Prime brokers v Custodians While not all custodians are prime brokers,[…]

CRS and AEOI in the Caymans

CRS and AEOI in the Caymans

Cayman Hedge Funds CRS update Cayman Hedge Funds CRS – Key dates under the Common Reporting Reporting Standards (CRS) Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) as follows: Pre-existing Accounts to be subjected to due diligence procedures are those in existence as at 31 December 2015 New Accounts requiring self-certification by the customer are those opened on[…]

Financial Statements

Financial Statements

The preparation of annual financial statementsCayman investment hedge funds financial statement preparationCayman investment hedge funds financial statement preparation: – the preparation of semi-annual or annual financial statements (AFS) is becoming more and more complex. It can be difficult to keep up to date with the required presentation and disclosures required due to continual changes in[…]

Global FATCA on its way

Global FATCA on its way

The OECD’s Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”) involves the automatic exchange of banking information on legal persons from one signatory country to another country where those legal persons are tax resident. Most of the developed world has signed up to the CRS and it involves a complex web of multilateral agreements which cut across enshrined rights[…]